Peak and Speedwell Cavern Have Found a 10% Increase in Revenue Since Partnering With Beyonk

Discover how Peak and Speedwell Cavern found a 10% increase in revenue since partnering with Beyonk.

Peak and Speedwell Cavern Have Found a 10% Increase in Revenue Since Partnering With Beyonk
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Peak and Speedwell Cavern Have Found a 10% Increase in Revenue Since Partnering With Beyonk | Beyonk Blog
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Discover how Peak and Speedwell Cavern found a 10% increase in revenue since partnering with Beyonk.
Peak and Speedwell Cavern are two show cave tours located in Hope Valley, in the heart of the Peak District National Park.
Speedwell Cavern is well known for its incredible underground boat journey whilst Peak Cavern specialises in walking tours in the gorge below Peveril Castle.

COVID-19 brought about a change in business operation and ultimately, a new booking system.

Prior to COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdowns, Peak and Speedwell Cavern were using another booking system which covered 15% of overall bookings online, whilst the other 85% were walk-ins.
When COVID-19 hit in 2020, the team were forced to rethink how their business currently operated and how they could continue to run successful boat tours without losing profit.
During this time, Beyonk’s CEO, Oscar White, visited the site and spoke to the Peak and Speedwell Cavern team about their issues. Within a matter of days, Beyonk had proposed a plan to help them maintain social distancing rules that wouldn’t be at the detriment of the businesses.

Online bookings rose from 15% to 80% when switching to Beyonk, with the amount of walk-ins dramatically reduced.

Once Peak and Speedwell Cavern made the switch to a Beyonk tour booking system for both of their businesses, their online bookings rose by 65% and received a dramatic reduction in walk-ins.
This turn began because of COVID-19, however, since lockdown has been lifted, the team have still found online bookings are the most popular way to book experiences. This has made it much easier for the team to predict the amount of visitors they’ll have a day and know they can easily manage the occasional walk-in.
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“It’s massively improved the visitor experience at our caves, we’ve completely altered the way we work. Rather than expecting people to stand in a queue for two hours on peak days, we fill the boats up at specific time slots online and supplement that by walk-ins.”
John Harrison, Peak and Speedwell Cavern

Beyonk’s easy-to-use system and customer service has stood out to the Peak and Speedwell Cavern team.

Since using the Beyonk booking system, Peak and Speedwell Cavern have found the software to be very easy to use compared to their old system. Setting up new experiences and amending bookings has never been simpler. It’s an incredibly user-friendly experience for the whole team to use with minimal training.
Another part of the Beyonk experience that has made the team happy is the superb customer support they’re provided with.
“Being able to get in touch with someone, either by email or over the phone has made a real difference. If I come up with something that might work a little better for us, I always know I can just talk to someone and within days my request will be done.”
John Harrison, Peak and Speedwell Cavern
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Annual revenue is up by 10% compared to 2019, whilst admin duties have reduced.

The summer of 2021 saw a high influx of visitors for many UK attractions, and whilst that number has decreased slightly during 2022 due to the ability to go abroad, Peak and Speedwell Cavern have seen their annual revenue increase by 10% since 2019, before they joined Beyonk.
Their new way of working has proved to be a great system and is something they will continue to do beyond the global pandemic.
When it comes to their general admin duties and weekly reporting, it now takes just 10 minutes for the Peak and Speedwell Cavern team to keep track of all bookings, payments and understand their overall business health.
“I’m immensely happy with Beyonk, it’s made our lives much easier.”
John Harrison, Peak and Speedwell Cavern
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Header Image Source: The Monkey Sanctuary
Jennie Byrne

Written by

Jennie Byrne

Head of Content