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How to Implement Booking Systems | Beyonk Blog
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Adding a booking system to your website doesn't have to be complicated anymore. With Beyonk we've made it easy to drop in a snippet of code, or a link to an external booking portal and voila - you're set up to take bookings.
Adding a booking system to your website doesn't have to be complicated anymore. With Beyonk we've made it easy to drop in a snippet of code, or a link to an external booking portal and voila - you're set up to take bookings.

Unfortunately, it's not quite as simple as just adding it to your website. And here's why:
- Website visitors typically go to just 2 web pages before they leave, you have to make booking front and centre or your visitors will drop-off
- The more webpages you have, the more chances you have of distracting people from booking
- If your website load time is slow, you'll be hemorrhaging sales
Fortunately, these are all quite easy things to overcome.
Make bookability front and center of your website
The digital marketing professional most commonly used saying is 'Clicks Kill' when looking at Conversion Rate Optimisation (the art of optimising your website visitors to make bookings). The more visitors have to click around to find out how to consume your service, the more they'll drop off and delay, or book with someone else.
With the rise of Amazon and Uber, people's expectations on ease of use and convenience have grown dramatically, meaning we're dealing with a tougher audience. If we don't adapt and make it really easy and clear for people to book then we'll struggle to compete. Don't underestimate the impact of changing a colour of a button or reducing the information required on sign-up. All these micro-decisions you make on how to structure your website will impact your bookings. A hundred little friction points for the customer will limit your bookings significantly. So it's important to focus on the detail and make it as easy as possible for people to book with you.
1) Add a 'Book now' link from your main menu.
From research with over millions of website visitors, best practice shows, always having a 'Book Now' link from your main menu, linking to all your bookable experiences is a great way to ensure your website visitors are never more than a click away from booking with you, even if they're lost in one of your other pages where there is no bookability on.
Embed our booking portal iframe to your website to delight your customers and supercharge your website with a professional-looking booking portal, customisable for your brand.

2) Add bookable elements on each activity/event page .
Look at your website traffic in Google Analytics (or whatever traffic analytics tool you use), and see which webpages your website visitors are landing on and navigating to. Make sure your high traffic web pages have the booking form on to ensure you turn your website browsers into buyers.
At Beyonk, we've created a booking widget like no other. Within a few clicks, consumers can book with you without having to wait for lots of web pages to load. As a business, you can add more information, or keep it really simple. It's optimised for you to maximise your sales, but you'll need to make it front and centre in order to do so. Don't hide it beneath pages, or beneath lots of text. The sooner you can get consumers to look at it, the more sales you'll generate.

Checklist for implementing your online booking system:
1) Booking is front and centre at all times
2) Booking widgets are clearly visible for your website visitors using mobile
3) The colours of the booking system stand out. Avoid red's where possible and go for more affirming, positive colours, like green.
4) Booking widgets are positioned on most visited web pages and towards the top of the page. 'Above the fold' which is the first screen users see on a webpage, is the best practice as it allows consumers to quickly see bookability
5) Booking widgets are a suitable size for your website
Once you've completed these steps, you're sure to be in a good position to take bookings on your website. Now it's time to promote your website. With discount promotion codes, gift vouchers, professional-looking booking widgets and more, you're in safe hands using Beyonk for managing your bookings.
Want help setting up direct booking on your website?
Let us know and we'll be happy to help. Having worked with hundreds of businesses and millions of website visitors, we know how to make it work. Schedule a call to discuss how we can help.