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How Destination Marketing Could Be The Key to Selling More Event Tickets | Beyonk Blog
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We’ve put together this guide to help you understand why destination marketing could be the key to selling more event tickets.
When it comes to marketing strategies, there are plenty to choose from, however, finding the right one for you can be tricky. That’s where destination marketing can be beneficial.
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘destination marketing’ mentioned but wasn’t sure what it is or how it can be beneficial to your business?
Don’t worry, we’ve put together this guide to help you understand why destination marketing could be the key to selling more event tickets.
What is destination marketing?
Destination marketing is a marketing approach in the travel and tourism industry that promotes a specific location. For example, experience providers often operate in one location, which means your ideal audience would be the town, city or region you do business in.
You’re likely to have already come across other businesses in the industry that follow this approach, particularly tourist boards such as Visit Cornwall and Peak District National Park who dedicate all of their website content to a specific location.
How can destination marketing help to increase ticket sales?
You’re much more likely to encourage visitors in the local community to visit you than you would be encouraging people to travel and visit you. The reason behind that is simply convenience. If people are aware of fun events, activities and tours in their own town or city, they’re much more likely to visit you for a fun day out than they are to book a whole holiday 300 miles away just to visit you.
Taking into account that 46% of all Google searches are looking for local information, this is a huge indicator how important destination marketing can be for your business strategy.
By targeting people in your local area with campaigns, you’re more likely to evoke emotional connections and encourage people to visit.
The top 3 strategies for destination marketing campaigns
When it comes to destination marketing strategies, there are a few ways in which you can make this beneficial for your business.
Understand your target audience
Whilst this is true for any marketing strategy, when it comes to destination marketing, understanding your target audience is essential to your success. You need to research what the people in your local area care about most and how your business could potentially cater to that.
What exactly is it they are looking for from activity, as listing general benefits of your experience might not always be relevant. Are they looking for something to do during the summer holidays to entertain their kids?
Popular ways to gather this kind of data includes keyword research, competitor analysis and customer questionnaires among others.
Use keyword research
Local SEO is a search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy that helps businesses gain recognition in Google’s local search results. For example, using a term like “rock climbing in Liverpool” is good practice as this is very likely to be a term searched when people are ready to make a purchase in your local area.
Performing keyword research is what can set you apart from the competition, particularly for the tourism industry which can be very competitive. Understanding what users are searching for in Google is what can help you tailor your website content to their specific needs and where you can show how your business is able to meet those needs.
Analyse your competitors
This doesn’t just refer to attractions like yours in the area, but rather any company in your local community. Take note how other companies market to the local area, whether that’s physical billboards, using influencers on social media to promote their brand or exclusive, special offers for anyone living in your postcode.
Often, the tourism industry doesn’t use marketing strategies to their fullest potential, that’s why researching other local businesses can be an eye opening experience and help to influence your future campaigns.
If you’re looking for some more marketing tips on how to spread the word about your experiences, download our Essential SEO Guide for Tours and Activities now…