An epic mini adventure in just a weekend! We will climb mountains, explore underground tunnels, explore stunning rivers and learn new survival and expedition skills to prepare you for your own adventures.
A fantastic way to summit the 'Old Man of Coniston', enjoy beautiful views and get back to nature for a few days!Day 1The Old Man, we head up into the mountains, we will summit the Old Man of Coniston via a river and broad ridge offering us some stunning views (typical British weather pending). Depending on the group's confidence there will be an opportunity for scrambling and exploring the old mine works, ruins and tunnels, creating a great days adventure.Day 2New Skills, we take to the trees and will be guiding you through an introduction to basic survival and expedition skills. You will learn some essential outdoors skills that will stand you in good stead for your own mini adventures and give you a taste of what we can offer on our longer survival courses... At the end of the two days, you'll feel refreshed, challenged and inspired for your next adventures. Inclusions What's Included 🥤 Drink - We will provide coffee / tea and hot chocolate during the day 🧰 Equipment - Any additional safety equipment 📋 Other - Laminated maps of your route What you'll need 📋 Other - Clothing:
Suitable clothing for a day out on the mountains in variable weather - including lightweight drying material, sufficient insulation and layers (no cotton base layers, tshirts or hoodies)
Waterproofs (jackets and trousers)
Gloves and a hat
Carried in a small daypack:
Waterproof bag (can use bin liner but dry bags are best to protect items from heavy rain).
Spare clothing (A spare warm layer for use in emergency or when we stop. Also 1x spare socks, gloves and a warm hat)
Water for the day, food and snacks.
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