Beyonk is the best alternative to the Access Gamma and Access Tonic booking system
Is the Access Gamma and Access Tonic booking system the right choice for your business? Compare Beyonk to Access Gamma and Access Tonic and discover why we could be the perfect solution for your business needs.
Compare: Access Gamma and Access Tonic vs Beyonk
Is your current booking software clunky and difficult to use? Are you limited with features when creating new tickets? Whilst Access Gamma and Access Tonic are feature-rich systems, their software can be more difficult to use and inefficient for certain ticket add-ons, vouchers and more sophisticated ticketing requirements.
At Beyonk, we make it easy for you to create, update and manage your event ticketing needs. Include add-ons such as gift aid, gift vouchers and discount codes seamlessly and automate the booking journey so you don’t have to monitor bookings daily.
Say goodbye to clunky booking processes with Beyonk's simple, easy-to-use ticketing solution.
Powerful booking features to support your growth
Growth is important for any organisation, whether you’ve just started or have been running events for years. Your online booking system needs to not only be simple and easy-to-use but provide you with the tools you need to make your experiences a success.
With Beyonk, you can set up any variation of ticket you want with ease, add multiple time slots and define visitor capacity limits so your customers can have a seamless checkout experience. You won’t have to call for support every time you want to make a change and you won’t need to worry about overbookings.
Welcome guests with ease when you enable QR code ticket confirmations through your Beyonk account. We’ll generate bespoke QR codes for every customer and email it to them upon purchase of their tickets. Upon arrival, you can scan customer codes using any device with a camera that connects to the internet for a fast and seamless experience.
Detailed reporting dashboard
Learn how to work smarter with Beyonk’s reporting analysis too; Access your report dashboard and instantly see an overview for gross sales, net revenue, how many total bookings you’ve received, as well as the revenue earned via add-on sales and gift voucher purchases.
For more detailed reports we’ll provide you with financial and health reports. Financial reports will cover a row by row breakdown of every payment and refund that has taken place on your account, whilst health reports will help you to understand your organization’s performance at a glance. This will include your most popular ticket types and how many repeat customers you’ve had.
Beyonk’s integrated reports allow you to see how your business is performing and what aspects you need to improve upon to make your experiences as successful as possible.
Esta es la diferencia Beyonk...
Una plataforma. Infinitas posibilidades.
Venta de entradas en línea
Venda entradas en línea para atracciones, actividades, eventos y visitas guiadas con potentes funciones para vender más con menos carga de trabajo.
Escaneado de billetes QR
Reduzca las colas y dé una cálida bienvenida a los huéspedes con las herramientas de escaneado QR y facturación de Beyonk.
Vender tarjetas regalo en línea
Nuestro software de venta de entradas le permite vender vales regalo para sus eventos, visitas y actividades para animar a los visitantes a que le recomienden a sus amigos y familiares.
Afiliación y pases
Gestione fácilmente sus abonos y pases personalizados desde un único lugar. Mejore el compromiso de los clientes, aumente las visitas repetidas y fomente la fidelidad al tiempo que genera más ingresos.
Gestión de la capacidad
¿Quiere controlar las aglomeraciones? Establezca límites de aforo para cada franja horaria, de modo que el personal no se vea desbordado por los visitantes.
Integración con Zapier
Conecte su venta de entradas a más de 5.000 herramientas de software externas, incluidas listas de correo, software de contabilidad y mucho más. Actualiza fácilmente los sistemas externos que utilizas para impulsar tu negocio, CRM y mucho más.
Punto de venta
Aproveche nuestro sistema EPOS integrado o una de nuestras conexiones externas para vender entradas en persona, a la vez que empaqueta con F&B, mercancías, membresías y mucho más.
La opinión de nuestros clientes
Good tours management system. Easy to use system to manage bookings for my various guided tours. Very happy to work with Beyonk and good customer service.
Paul at Paul Dixon Tours
¿Necesitas ayuda?
Gain insight on specific ticketing features we have by booking a meeting with our solutions team. We can show you how our system works and if Beyonk is the best choice for your business.
See for yourself how Beyonk could revolutionize the way you sell tickets
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