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Pond Dipping

  • Location Tralee Bay Wetlands Eco & Activity Park
  • Price from €5.00


Ponds are amazing habitats that are sometimes overlooked. Underneath their calm surface a rich and complex habitat thrives, from the oxygenating plants to the fish, frogs newts and many enigmatic insects. Some of the animals that live in them have two stages in their lifecycle. The first is their larval stage, which they spend in the pond and the adult stage is when they grow wings and fly to new ponds to lay eggs. Pond dipping is an easy way to entertain yourself and your kids. Introducing them to this vital biodiversity and the simple joy of getting up close to animals and watching them swim around your tray. Please note all creatures are returned back into the water ponds after demonstration and viewing.
What you'll need
🧤 Warm Clothing
☂️ Waterproofs


  • Moderate Policy


Tralee Bay Wetlands Eco & Activity Park