Treak Cliff Cavern thrives with shift to online bookings achieving visitor attraction of the year 2022

Descubra como a Treak Cliff Cavern conseguiu aumentar as reservas usando as sofisticadas ferramentas de venda de ingressos da Beyonk.


Treak Cliff Cavern is a show cave visitor attraction, with a working mine extracting rare ornamental fluorite called Blue John Stone. They mine, process, manufacture and retail jewellery and ornamental items, both online and in their onsite shop. They offer self-guided tours of the cave, and various experiences focused around the crafting of the Blue John Stone.

O desafio

Just a few years ago, Treak Cliff Cavern lacked any online booking functionality on their website. Their group bookings relied solely on telephone or email, highlighting the urgent need for an automated online booking system to advance the company's development. 

This necessity became even more pronounced during the onset of the pandemic when government restrictions rendered guided tours unfeasible, prompting the shift to self-guided tours for continued operations. Being a part of the ENPEC of Experiences further emphasised the crucial need for an online booking capability.

Treak Cliff Cavern initially turned to a competitor system to address this need. However, they encountered challenges, finding them overly complicated and lacking the flexibility to make necessary changes independently.


Como ajudamos

After a rigorous exploration of various booking systems, the Treak Cliff Cavern team embraced Beyonk based on the recommendation. They found the online booking solution to be remarkably user-friendly, intuitive, and equipped with flexible options. The support team stood out for their friendliness and readiness to address queries.

The seamless signing-up process and effortless integration of Beyonk's software into their website eliminated hurdles. The software's features provided Treak Cliff Cavern with the flexibility to tailor their operations precisely to their needs. As Treak Cliff Cavern evolved their visits and experiences, Beyonk were able to parallel this growth by continuously deploying new client-focused features. 

Beyonk emerged as the recommended solution for Treak Cliff Cavern through the endorsement of Visit Peak District’s Marketing team, their trusted partners.


Because we work closely with MPD&D, we went with their recommendation and haven’t looked back. Using Beyonk with our self-guided tours has been more successful and popular than I hoped. This is only a starting point, and we will be developing more ‘products’ in the future, using Beyonk to promote and control how visitors book.

Victoria Anne Turner, Owner and Director at Treak Cliff Cavern


Os resultados

Beyonk's contribution to Treak Cliff Cavern's online bookings has been substantial, with 97% of bookings attributed to their platform, whilst the remaining 3% are the combined efforts of other distributors.

The pandemic forced Treak Cliff Cavern to move towards self-guided tours, and the timing slot capability within Beyonk enabled them to achieve and comply with all the social distancing regulations. They were able to develop different experiences, include all attractions on their website and be in control of when and how visitors can book.

During the pandemic, Treak Cliff Cavern pivoted to self-guided tours, and Beyonk's timing slot feature facilitated compliance with social distancing regulations. This capability empowered Treak Cliff Cavern to diversify experiences, showcase attractions on their website, and retain control over visitor booking dynamics.

Treak Cliff Cavern were enabled to spread visitor arrivals throughout the day, reducing tour congestion, creating more space in the shop, and levelling out daily peaks and troughs. This strategic shift significantly bolstered the business's success beyond their expectations.

Leveraging Beyonk's ticketing features, Treak Cliff Cavern optimised sales, streamlined business operations, and was honoured with the MPD&D Silver Award for Visitor Attraction of the Year 2022, a testament to their exemplary performance and the impact of Beyonk's tools on their success.


It is intuitive, flexible and gives us control of our availability with excellent support from Beyonk technicians.The system can be bespoke to your attraction’s needs and changes as necessary. It is continually developing along with our own business development and is responsive to suggestions too.

Victoria Anne Turner, Owner and Director at Treak Cliff Cavern


97% of online bookings are attributed to Beyonk, whilst the remaining 3% are the combined efforts of other distributors


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